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How to choose the hair color that suits you best?

Here is a test that will help you choose the right hair color for yourself.


1. Do you care about fashion and trends?

  •  A. No thanks. I never cared about fashion. (20 points)
  • B. Yes, I follow all the trends. (40 points)
  • C. I have a friend who consults me about them. (10 points)
  • D. Sometimes they pop up on social media, so I know something. (30 points)

If you picked A, add 20 points to your score.

If you went with B, it's worth 40 points.

C brings you 10 points, and D brings you 30 points.


2. Which of these color combos would you never wear?

  •  A. Black and white. (30)
  • B. Brown and blue. (10)
  • C. Pink and green. (40)
  • D. Yellow and gray. (20)


3. You're feeling down? What kind of movie can cheer you up?

  • A. Silly comedy with a happy ending will do. (10)
  • B. Some good old black-and-white classics. (20)
  • C. An action-packed movie. (30)
  • D. I like cartoons. (40)


4.You can get one superpower. What's it gonna be?

  • A. I'd love to be invisible. (10)
  • B. Teleportation. (20)
  • C. Super strength. (40)
  • D. Have the power to convince people to do anything. (30)


5. If you had to eat one meal every day for a month, what would it be?

  • A. Pizza for life. (20)
  • B. Some gourmet food like caviar or Foa Gra. (40)
  • C. Fruits and veggies only. (10)
  • D. Steaks. I'm a meat fan. (30)


6. When do you feel most productive?

  • A. In the morning. (10)
  • B. After lunch. (20)
  • C. Anytime after coffee.(30)
  • D. In the evening and at night. (40)


7. What is your worst quality?

  • A. I plan everything and get upset when things don't turn out my way. (10)
  • B. I'm too emotional and can cry over the smallest things. (20)
  • C. I'm jealous of the success of others. (30)
  • D. I don't know how to forgive others. (40)


8. Your friend invites you to go on a trip with us. It starts tomorrow. What do you say?

  • A. Impossible. I need to know at least a month in advance. (10)
  • B. I'll think about it and maybe join them later. (20)
  • C. I'll convince them to move the trip one day and go with them.(40)
  • D. Sure thing, I'm packing already. (30)


9. Why did you decide to dye your hair?

  • A. To let everyone know I'm extraordinary. (10)
  • B. To change my life. I'm trying to overcome a breakup. (30)
  • C. To help others see that I'm a serious person. (40)
  • D. To spice things up. I've had my current hair color for years. (20)


10. What compliment would you be happiest to hear?

  • A. You look really elegant. (40)
  • B. Are you a business guru? (30)
  • C. You're out of this world. (10)
  • D. You have the most beautiful smile. (20)


11. If a stylus messed up your hair, what would your reaction be?

  • A. Say you love it but cry at home. (10)
  • B. Start a massive fight with them to get a refund. (20)
  • C. Without saying anything, just go to some other place to get it fixed. (30)
  • D. Explain what's wrong and give the stylus a second chance. (40)


12. If you won $1 million, what would you spend it on?

  • A. I'll travel the world. (10)
  • B. A huge new house. (30)
  • C. Gifts for all my friends and family. (40)
  • D. I'll invest in my own business. (20)


13. You're starting your brand. What will your logo look like?

  • A. Plane or a glow with some inspiring slogan. (30)
  • B. A unicorn and a rainbow. (40)
  • C. Just my initials to make it as business as possible. (10)
  • D. A star or a diamond. (20)


14. You're moving into a new house. What will you decorate first?

  • A. The living room. (20)
  • B. My bedroom. (40)
  • C. The kitchen. (30)
  • D. I'll start a garden. (10)

15. Desert, anyone?

  • A. Yes, I'll go with a chocolate cake. (10)
  • B. Smoothie, please. (20)
  • C. I'm good.  (40)
  • D. I'd like to have some ice cream. (30)


All right, it's time to do some math and sum up all your points.

Did you get 160 points or less? It looks like you're pretty happy with your current hair color. Maybe it's not really time to change it. You're well-balanced and pretty happy with your life.

If you want to change something, try adding a new color to your wardrobe or curling your hair.


If your final score is between 170 and 240 points,

  •  Here's your sign to dye your hair blonde. You've always wanted to try it, right? You feel like it can make your life easier and more fun, so go for it. And a Bob haircut will make you look even cooler.


If you scored somewhere between 250 and 320 points,

  •  Bright red hair is what you need. It's definitely an attention-grabber, and you want it at this point in your life. It will match your fiery personality and justify all the crazy things you do in life. Try to add some layers to your hair, and maybe even bangs.


If your final score is 330 to 400 points,

  •  Black is the color for you. You're refined, classy, and stylish. You're also smart and want to take a step up in your career. Black hair and a pixie haircut will help people take you more seriously. It will also give you the self-confidence you need to succeed.


Did you get 410 to 480 points?

  •  Highlights are the perfect option for you. It's always hard for you to choose just one thing. You're afraid of missing out on something. Luckily, there's always room for compromise, even when it's your own hair. Try braiding it. It will look charming.


If you came to the finish line with 490 to 550 points

  •  The best choice for you is electric blue or pink. In fact, you can choose any color, as long as it's exotic and bright. You're a creative soul, and your everyday routine is making you sad. Add a contrasting hairband or huge clips to make the style even more unique.


For those of you who ended up with 560 to 600 points,

  •  You're out of this world. Why settle on one color when you can have the entire rainbow on your hair? It sure takes a lot of courage, but you have it in you. As a bonus, you'll attract similar awesome people.


I hope that you all enjoyed this sharing topic and found it helpful, and I'll share a new topic in my next one. Bye.

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