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Hair Growth Cycle

Today I'm going to share about the hair growth cycle.

 Hair growth cycle:

  • Anagen (growth phase),
  • Catagen (resting phase),
  • Telogen (shedding phase).

 Now the anagen phase is our active growth cycle. This is the cycle that a lot of us kind of obsess over without even realizing that we are assessing, and for good reason, because this is the phase that our hair is growing the most.


  1. Hair growth phase

 There is a very small part of our hair structure towards the base of Apollo Hook called the dermopela. This is a network of epithelial cells that actually act as receptors, where different hormones bind to the receptor to activate hair growth. This is why I always say that our hormones regulate our hair growth cycle. This thermal papilla is also connected to a number of blood vessels and nutrients that give the hair what it needs to grow.

Usually, the antigen phase can last between 2 and 5 years. For some people, it can go up to seven or eight years. But this cycle determines the length of our hair. So on top of that, our hair is in the thickets and the antigen phase, and that's because that thermal papilla is receiving so much blood and nutrients during that time.


  1. Hair resting phase

 It also known as the transitional phase. During this time, our hair follicles begin to shrink and the hair detaches itself from the blood supply. Now this phase can last between two to 4 weeks depending on each individual before it goes to the last phase which is the intelligent phase the active shedding phase.


  1. Hair shedding phase

 Now shedding is completely normal and it actually makes way for the new hair to come forth. Now on average, we can be in this halogen phase between two to four months. For some that's less, for some, it's more but at any given time, approximately 10% of our hair on our scalp is currently in the active shedding, aka intelligent thing.


 For the disruptors, here are some common disruptors that can hinder your hair growth.


  • NO.1 is going to be over-styling and manipulating your hair.

 I always say that our hair is like silk, it's strong, but it's also fragile at the same time.

 So we have to be careful about how we do our hair. No tight styles, and be careful of any chemical services because all of this can have an effect on our follicles, and our stat, which can then hinder hair growth.

  •  NO.2 is going to be a bad diet, lack of nutrients, lack of vitamins, for example, lack of iron, lack of vitamin D, all of these things can hinder blood flow and nutrient flow to the thermopipelia. So make sure you're getting a good diet.
  •  NO.3 is our hormones regulate our hair growth.

 So if our hormones are out of whack for menopause, PCOS, or pregnancy, a lot of times this can also hinder hair growth into hair loss and thinning as well.

  • NO.4 is our poor hair health.

 It includes not washing your hair as often, not having a good hair care regimen, having scalp inflammation, and having product build-up for example.

 All of these things play a role in hindering hair growth aka the hair growth disrupt.

  •  NO.5 The activator

 When I say hair growth activators I'm really referring to stimulus and DHT blockers.

DHT is a hormone guys responsible for hair loss. There are some abstracts and oils that are known for blocking DHT.

 For example, there is salt pond metal, pumpkin seeds, and stinging metal, all of these ingredients are known for supporting hair growth and even potentially blocking DHT as well.

 When it comes to the stimulus, these are ingredients that are known for improving blood circulation and getting the blood flow going to the status of port hair growth some common ones are lavender, eucalyptus, peppermint, and Rosemary just to name a few.


I hope that you all enjoyed this sharing topic and found it helpful, and I'll share a new topic in my next one. Bye.

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