Curl Your Hair Wig by Yourself
Curl Your Hair by Yourself
You need to add a little miracle oil and brushed out all the tangles this is definitely something that you want to have on hand or just like a light heat protectant or any serum that will help to protect the hair because using a hot tool you also have some holding spray that’s going to help for the style to last a longer time.
The first thing you need to to do that you take your paddle brush and brush through the hair just to make sure that there are no tangles and you need to go ahead and kins of split your hair down the middle and bring it to the front got a little bit of the serum and run it through the hair to help bring some luster back. Then you start working your front sections firstly, because this is a curl that you want to be the tightest. Next section you need to take it split it into a smaller section tangle a little bit slip that into a smalller section. Then you need to go ahead and take it inside starting up near the root not too close. You should know we need to go ahead and feed that crow in there. You need to hold it for about ten seconds and then release that curl now if you want this curl to be a little bit tighter all you need to do is that just going ahead and accordion that curl up if you hold the curl up like this as soon as it comes off of the barrel of the curling iron. The curl will be nice and hot, that means it will be hold the form of the curl that it will hold the form of the curl that you’re trying to give it a lot better than it would if you just go ahead and drop it, so you will see the difference in there two curls. Then going a head and move on and just do the rest of your head. After finishing the rest, you need to spray a little bit of the shaping spray on hair to retain the curl.